Sunday, February 26, 2006


You scored as Psychology. You should be a Psychology major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Technically I should be a dance major as well. Just wanted to point that out.

Friday, February 24, 2006

aaaaaand.... here're some Oasis pics!

first up, a view of the (soon to be supposedly sold out) mosh pit at 8pm, as the concert is due to start.
Oasis Gig 002
no wonder my bro and i couldn't squeeze in there huh?

and here's the best photo of oasis i managed to get the entire night. its clear, and you can almost see liam clearly (if somewhat bathed in an orangey hue)
Oasis Gig 005

and here's one from the second row, thanks to jen:
oasis 029


worst. gig. ever. (no thanks to security)

i so wanted to love this gig. been an oasis fan ever since their first album, and been longing for a gig ever since (that's like, 10+years). now they've got a new, critically acclaimed cd out, the band's back on form, and their concerts are selling out like never before, surely this concert could be nothing but the best ever?

obviously from the way this post is being set up (not to mention the title of this posting), the Oasis gig in singapore was *not* exactly the best ever, and here's why:

1) I was under the impression that we'd be in the front row of our section, at least, that what i was told by the Sistic auntie. She'd reassured me that no one would be between ourselves and the stage except for the free standing section. too bad she neglected to mention the 7 rows of VIP seats planted directly in front of our section, filled with invited people who apparently couldn't care less about the band (unless they've got rather unique ways of showing their appreciation, e.g. checking their handphones during wonderwall etcetc).

2) i will never understand what people insist on going to rock concerts where they choose to sit down and occassionally tap their feet. this isn't an orchestral performance; you're expected to jump up and party! wanna sit down? rest your feet? fine. just don't freakin' complain to the security that people around you wanna dance around and have fun. unless you've got a broken leg (or 2), seat warmers are not welcome at rock concerts.

3) security. although i respect that they choose not to intervene until after about 20 min, allowing a crowd of people to amass in front of the balcony until complaints from the people mentioned in (2) started raining in, their approach was terrible. shining torchlights in our faces is not the best way to get people moving. you'll just get everyone annoyed and even more pissed. and check this out for a quotable quote:
thinking that i was from the $98 section, one security bitch told me 'not to be so cheap, if you want to stand up, then pay the $160 and join the mosh section in front then'. i shoved my $160 ticket in her face.

4) the 3/4 full front section must've hardly been the most welcoming sight for the gallaghers and bunch. consequently they didn't seem as onz as they'd normally be, although they were musically tight, with Liam's voice holding together very well.
but anyway.
Im disappointed that the mosh pit was only 3/4 full, with gaping holes at the back of the section, and that we werent allowed to (despite our most polite pleas) enter that section instead, even though we paid the same amount of money as they did. at least they're allowed to have a good time over there.
their reason? the section was sold out, and the 2 of us entering would be a major safely concern.
i didn't think i was *that* fat...

5) the house lights came on during their last song! wtf is up with that?

on the bright side, kev and i made the best we could of a lousy situation (thanks bro!), singing along to every line of every song, and generally making a nuisance of ourselves trying to spread the partying around. we got to befriend a group of malay fellas, as well as a bunch of ang moh kids, all out to jump around, have a good time, nvm what the security says!
the music was solid, though they didn't play supersonic (a personal fave), and as expected most of the audience rapport was drowned out due to the acoustics and their manchurian accents.
oh and we got loads of videos! so yeah. at least now we can relive the concert without being hassled by security every 10s.

so in conclusion! good gig, all credit to oasis, and shame, SHAME on the security and all you Singaporean prudes.

maybe i've just been spoilt by franz ferdinand.

overheard on the way out: "Im SO GLAD i got to see them in Bangkok first. this gig f***ing sucked ass."
'nuff said.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Somebody gonna get a hurting.

"The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingram in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up."

my turn to jump on the bandwagon then, and find out how much (and how) you guys love ME. conversely, my ego could be in for a right bruising, so im ready either way.

here it is!

try and be nice.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Best. Gig (in singapore). Ever.

back from front row at the franz ferdinand gig! words can't do the experience justice, so i'll just let the pictures do the talking.
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 006
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 065
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 047
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 069
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 034

a couple more pics can be viewed over at me new flickr site (thanks for the suggestion, chong). these are the pick of the crop though =)

undoubtedly though, the surprise of the night came when alex kapranos invited everyone at the concert over to their hotel, so we all could hang out with them in the foyer. and as you can see from the following pics, we were able to get oh, fairly close to them:
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 072
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 071
almost there...
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 075
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 009
and here's one of almost all of us together with the bassist, bob hardy, a man who really is as.. er deadpan in person as he appears on stage. extremely nice guy though.
Franz Ferdinand Gig and Afterparty 073
oh he's the one with the beard, btw.

you've gotta give it to them... it's really refreshing to meet a band -a world-class supergroup at the top of their game, no less- who have no qualms about walking un-chaperoned around a hotel lobby, mingling with fans and gamely signing autographs, taking pictures, and even talking on the phone with friends of those who couldn't be there. truly an excellent way to top off what was already an outstanding gig.
ich heisse super fantastische!

and oh Y E S... OASIS play here in a week YAYYAYYAY. not to mention kings of convenience a couple of weeks after that. :excited:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

earphone love.

this post is dedicated to the latest love of my life, my sexy new earphones :wub:

its the deep inner ear kind, where (and this is gonna be hard to picture but bear with me) the bud isn't shaped like a disc like the regular sit-on-the-outside-of-your-inner-ear-kind; rather it's probe-shaped, so it goes as far into the ear canal as is comfortably possible, lovingly feeding all sorts of heavenly sounds directly into ur brain.

what happens (i think) is that the bass frequencies enter your ear via the deeper portions of the bud, so unlike conventional earphones, the sound doesn't get all muffly and distorted because of the mixing of the bass and treble bits of the music. kinda like having a subwoofer inside your head, just less painful.

already this is affecting how i listen to my music, as im hearing parts of songs in the treble region that i'd never noticed before. it also helps that the deepness of the earphones kinda makes them act as earplugs too, so all outside sound gets drowned out. good for music appreciation, not so good for crossing the street and looking out for traffic though (or for sharing with friends. earwax is nasty. especially when it isn't yours).

the best bit is that i didn't pay a cent for it. turns out that my bro had gone looking for a new set of earphones after his had gone kaput and started feeling bad about continually hogging my iPod ones. finally he'd settled on this pair, but could never get used to the general probe-ness. so... new earphones get. and all i had to do was trade him my lousy iPod phones.
a winner is me!

Monday, February 13, 2006


holy shit. the bangkok rock 100 festival just got a million times cooler. as if oasis, franz ferdinand, ian fuckin brown, snow patrol, MAXIMO PARK, and placebo werent enough, now they've gone and
dropped stereophonics (who suck anyway), and brought in the freakin FUTUREHEADS instead (who rock like nothin else. well maybe except for maximo park)

could someone fly me there? please? there's still time.
details here:

alternatively if anyone from /associated with any of the above mentioned bands sees this, could you please pass on the message that i'd very much appreciate it if they would swing by for a concert or 2. thanks a lot.

- oh and pardon the expletives. waiting 6 hours in school for a lecture at 6pm is not the best environment for well, anything. at least im blogging again. see how long this round lasts =)


lecture's been cancelled for today.
amusingly, the only 2 idiots who don't know about it are myself and the only other guy i hang out with in this module (who blearily stumbles into the empty LT as i'm standing there looking silly, contemplating what to do with my newfound unexpected freedom -go home/ work a bit more/ break down in hapless tears/ etcetc).

no lecture today. yippee.