Monday, February 13, 2006


holy shit. the bangkok rock 100 festival just got a million times cooler. as if oasis, franz ferdinand, ian fuckin brown, snow patrol, MAXIMO PARK, and placebo werent enough, now they've gone and
dropped stereophonics (who suck anyway), and brought in the freakin FUTUREHEADS instead (who rock like nothin else. well maybe except for maximo park)

could someone fly me there? please? there's still time.
details here:

alternatively if anyone from /associated with any of the above mentioned bands sees this, could you please pass on the message that i'd very much appreciate it if they would swing by for a concert or 2. thanks a lot.

- oh and pardon the expletives. waiting 6 hours in school for a lecture at 6pm is not the best environment for well, anything. at least im blogging again. see how long this round lasts =)


lecture's been cancelled for today.
amusingly, the only 2 idiots who don't know about it are myself and the only other guy i hang out with in this module (who blearily stumbles into the empty LT as i'm standing there looking silly, contemplating what to do with my newfound unexpected freedom -go home/ work a bit more/ break down in hapless tears/ etcetc).

no lecture today. yippee.


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