Wednesday, February 15, 2006

earphone love.

this post is dedicated to the latest love of my life, my sexy new earphones :wub:

its the deep inner ear kind, where (and this is gonna be hard to picture but bear with me) the bud isn't shaped like a disc like the regular sit-on-the-outside-of-your-inner-ear-kind; rather it's probe-shaped, so it goes as far into the ear canal as is comfortably possible, lovingly feeding all sorts of heavenly sounds directly into ur brain.

what happens (i think) is that the bass frequencies enter your ear via the deeper portions of the bud, so unlike conventional earphones, the sound doesn't get all muffly and distorted because of the mixing of the bass and treble bits of the music. kinda like having a subwoofer inside your head, just less painful.

already this is affecting how i listen to my music, as im hearing parts of songs in the treble region that i'd never noticed before. it also helps that the deepness of the earphones kinda makes them act as earplugs too, so all outside sound gets drowned out. good for music appreciation, not so good for crossing the street and looking out for traffic though (or for sharing with friends. earwax is nasty. especially when it isn't yours).

the best bit is that i didn't pay a cent for it. turns out that my bro had gone looking for a new set of earphones after his had gone kaput and started feeling bad about continually hogging my iPod ones. finally he'd settled on this pair, but could never get used to the general probe-ness. so... new earphones get. and all i had to do was trade him my lousy iPod phones.
a winner is me!


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