Thursday, October 22, 2009

Disclamers are awesome!

You! Loyal Reader! Yes, you!

As you (or your RSS reader) may have noticed, I’ve got a new post up, chronicling the first day of my recent trip to Cambodia and Vietnam, or In-do-chi-na as they say back in the day. Based on demand (not really), and more importantly my ability to keep my restless bum at my Mac for an extended amount of time, there is a possibility that the rest of my trip diary will be written, and the entire caboodle put online posthaste.

I must apologise in advance for the run-on sentences, repeated patterns and glaring inconsistencies in tense. However, in my defence this was meant to be merely a personal recording of the inside-my-head; a smattering of spurious thoughts triggered by going through the respective photos in my iPhoto album. Not only of the what, but the why, the who and the huh…?, basically everything that my mind went through at that specific moment in time, seen through the warm fuzzy embrace of hindsight. A diary, in other words. Also, writing about the past in the present tense is confusing lah.

With that in mind, please enjoy the rest of the diary as and when it appears. Do feel free to ask me about the trip when you see me in person, and I’ll be happy to oblige with much enthusiasm and appropriate gesticulations (offer me a beer first for best results).


At 1:42 AM, Anonymous KA said...

You need one of this for your trips man => :)

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder you wanted alcohol...


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