Thursday, December 01, 2005

random thoughts on life or something like it.

between the arcade fire, hard-hi, kaiser chiefs, the magic numbers, an on-form (!) madonna, and a new kate bush CD (first in 12 years!), 2005 is turning out to be one heck of a year in music.

general creepiness:
introducing the Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom! for ladies! complete with somewhat intimidating looking insertion attachment. and creepy william hung lookalike in the background.

apparently its "essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect."

chicken little:
so disney fall out with pixar, turn their backs on the 2D animation that made the house of mouse what it is today, embrace 3D animation as the future of the company, and they become... dreamworks??? it's not that i hate the movie, in fact i'd rate it a respectable 6 1/2 out of 10, its just all so... pointless. i think LA daily news puts it best:"It's not painful, just completely unnecessary."
there's scant character development, a frenetic pace, pop-culture references, cheesy moments of (hopefully intentional) self-parody, and elements drawn from countless animated features that've come and gone. oh not to mention that tired moral of the story (parents: your kid wants to jump onto the slanting conical roof of a tower 20 storeys high out of a window 3 metres below it? that's fine! just believe in him.)
yeah i know, it's a kids movie, and i'm not knocking it for that -in fact i loved madagascar for the same reasons- just that if this is representative of disney's new direction, and if this is the same production house that's gonna be responsible for toy story 3... walt disney must be turning in his grave.

which brings us to..

mel is crazy:
so you think chicken little is superior to finding nemo in every way, and lion king is just a boring kid's movie? 'nuff said.

first up, RIP eddie guerrero. you will be missed.
TNA - samoa joe's squash matches every week on impact are starting to grow a little old. not to mention the fact that the more i watch him, the more i feel inclined to revise my opinion of him as a performer, and agree with pete that joe is severely overrated. lessee... as far as match flow is concerned, he's no better than even ric flair or any wwe wrestler: face wash, running knee, dropkick, samoan drop (sometimes), then the muscle buster and choke. his physical size prevents him from chain wrestling in the style (no pun intended) of AJ styles and co., and he only seems to raise his game when in the big matches, as a foil to the faster, fitter, hyperactive X-div bunnies. his only major selling point is how stiff his wrestling looks (and is), and since when was that a good thing?

clubbing on wednesdays
new zouk: impossible to get in unless you queue before 9 on wednesdays. damn mambo kids.
double O: good music, crappy bartenders and door bitches. needs better air-con.

quote of the month!

(note: despite the picture's suggestion to the contrary, it's actually gallagher who's making the botanical accusation)


At 2:43 AM, Blogger Blue_belle said...

Hey! I resent that! I'm not crazy okay!!!!!!!!!!

In my defense I only said I enjoyed the chicken more than the fish. I mean, Kirby! So there.


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