i'm feeling fit!
k now stop laughing.
well at the very least im feeling fitter than i've been in the past 2 months... running yesterday with heng (bedok reservoir park is eerily dark at night), kayaking (kinda. more on that later.) this afternoon with kos/kat/jj, ubin cycling tomorrow with the sphiredrake kids, trekking in lumbong on tuesday... these are busy times.
btw i suck at kayaking. when you go through a two hour session, you'd usually expect to spend those two hours going forward in a generally straight direction. not turning in circles wildly while desperately trying to inch forward centimetre by centimetre. which is what i excel at doing. at this rate that one-star cert may elude me yet.
the storm didnt exactly help matters though. not only did i have to contend with being an absolutely rubbish kayak-er stuck in torrential rain and choppy currents, i also had the pleasure of capsizing twice. *cue frantic scrambling and paddling for overturned boat amid dramatic lightning and thunder, the likes of which are usually reserved for disaster movies like the perfect storm and titanic and uh, castaway*
the best part is that we're planning to do this again every week. awesomeness.
in other news... matriculation fair is over. some 30 new rovers members and 70 over interested peeps? yes please, thank you very much. all in all a fair success... what with marketing tactics like this...
me (with big grin on face): hi! would you be interested in trekking?
RatherTallbutCuteFreshie (before starting to walk away): uh, no.
me: well are you an active person?
RTCF: um i guess, but im really not interested...
me: what about going outdoors? im sure you do that once in awhile...
RTCF (stops walking. thinks of an unsilly answer): ummm...
me: hey, what about making friends!
RTCF: yeah i guess...
me: dont you??
RTCF: so where do i sign up?
i so rock.
note to self: do not place leg against car exhaust pipe while car is running again. will cause much pain.
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