Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Feeling Dirty.

So I'm sitting at the bus stop, waiting for our ride to arrive, when I suddenly get a tingly sensation on my inner leg, under my jeans (settle down, this is not that kinda story). It sorta felt like those Daddy-long-legs spiders I used to see around all the time back in primary school, so I swish my pants a bit to try and shake it out.

After awhile the tingling stops, so I figure it must be an ant/my imagination/an ant that's fallen out.

Halfway through the conversation, I then start to notice something biting on the back of my knee -damn that ant must be persistent!- so I reach around to try and shake it out. Doesn't feel like an ant bite though, more like an insistent nibble... Ah there it is. Right around the back of my thigh -something hard? Must be a beetle of some sort.

Mildly perturbed now, I circle my upper thigh with both hands, and like squeezing a giant tube of toothpaste, I run them downward towards my shoes. Nothing happens on first attempt.

2nd try, squeezing harder this time, making sure I haven't left any gaps between my jeans and my cupped hands, and -ah here we go- a HOLY SHIT OMGWTFBBQ MASSIVE COCKROACH pops out from under my jeans to the floor. Mildly enraged, I kick it to the road, where hopefully a massive vehicle will run over it, never to be seen again (except to haunt my nightmares).

I spend the long walk home jumping and flicking at my jeans incessantly.

Strangely enough, I didn't freak out at that point in time. On hindsight though, EUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Sorta reminds me of the time a cockroach fell on my face while reclining in a chalet hammock all those years ago. Ah the memories...


Having gotten home, I've just turned my jeans inside out... my new friend seems to have a left a couple of nasty looking brown spots on the inside of my pant leg. Smells funny too :(